All the President’s Men - the concentric desks in the Library of Congress seemed like a newspaper conveyor belt breaking Nixon's Watergate. Departing from steel, materials included bicycle chain,
printer plates, brass, gimbaled
compass, foundry form,
and copper. Photo
credits Chris Myers.
24” wide x
13” deep x
13” tall
All the President’s Men - the concentric desks in the Library of Congress seemed like a newspaper conveyor belt breaking Nixon's Watergate. Departing from steel, materials included bicycle chain,
printer plates, brass, gimbaled
compass, foundry form,
and copper. Photo
credits Chris Myers.
24” wide x
13” deep x
13” tall

One of a kind miniature worlds that evoke nostalgia with a modern twist. Steel vignettes inspired by vintage furniture and classic film, television and literature.

Archie & Edith's Sitting Room in a Box
Miniature sitting room set in an office drawer from the 50s loosely based on the classic TV sitcom All in the Family. Archie’s threadbare, yet comfortable, wing chair sits slightly askew from Edith’s more elegant “pin cushion” style chair. One can imagine hanging your coat as soon as you come through the fully functional miniature door. The coat rack pegs are made from vintage bicycle spokes. A 100% copper mesh rug brings the space together in an intimate setting. Dollhouse accessories include a glass fishbowl and glass candlesticks.
Photo credits Kevin Chance
15-1/4” wide x 6” deep x 15-1/4” tall